Embodied Essence in Expression

The Tree of Life is my symbol for embodied essence in expression and acceptance of our natural urge to grow, evolve, and expand into inclusive awareness.

For humans this arises from feeling sensations of resonance with inner & outer sights, sounds and knowings. Whether contemplatively or impulsively we move toward the emanation that rings true. We experience a vibrational match in the moment.

When asked about preferences, we feel inclined toward a thought, word or action that is familiar or unfamiliar. Both paths offer opportunities for changes and growth that lead to transformation. Though we often request or deliberately seek specific types of transformation the synchronicities commonly arrive through unexpected experiences ~ in awareness and in outer circumstances. I deem these to be the gifts of divine design and divine timing!

An internal or external event occurs that changes our ways of approaching, connecting, and engaging in relationships with self and life. These turning points invite us to pay greater intuitive attention to experiences. We honor Life, the Universe, the Holy Spirit, as both a visible & invisible Source of guidance, protection, and healing. The transformations activate our deep desire and willingness to recognize and become co-workers with this Presence.

For me, the Tree of Life reflects the essence of the transformational journey. The seed of potential is planted, the roots provide a foundation for the trunk, the branches represent infinite paths experience, the leaves and blossoms represent our stories and “fruits” of our labor.

What does this have to do with Harmonic Sound Bridging?

Harmonic Sound Bridging inclinations lead to transformations.

Resource: Michael Newton, PhD, author of Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life between Lives, Destiny of Souls, and founder of the Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy