Frequently Asked Questions

There is a silence we learn to hear in the Heart’s sound current of our own inner spheres.
— Donna Wolf

What is Sound Bridging?

It’s whatever contemplative somatic & spiritual practices you use to step into Love’s Presence when you Hear, See & Feel the ‘sound effects’ of stress in your expression. In these moments we are being the Hollow Bone through which Love flows and ‘changes our tune’ for the better.

Below are common practices. During Harmonic Sound Bridging sessions, both inner & outer sound vibrations deepen energy resonance with Love in your body so your personal practices reactivate expressive ease more efficiently.

  1. It’s choosing to head to my Heart when I feel stress start ~ so I can be a transceiver of Soul’s neutral wisdom

  2. It’s awareness that frees me to recognize echoes of past pain blitzing my brain ~ so I can breathe, ground, & focus on Love’s health enhancing choices NOW

  3. It’s understanding & releasing stored energy effects of collective stress patterns ~ so I can evolve & heal my relationships with Self, others, and circumstances with Love’s grace.

  4. It’s recognition that I and Others are evolving ~ so I can be comfortable speaking from my Heart.

  5. It’s feeling the presence of my innate qualities of well-being ~ so I can step into these vibrations and enjoy my own expressive ease

  6. It’s composing my day’s consciousness intentionally ~ so my thoughts, words & actions free me to accept the Love-filled support Life provides so we can thrive

We’re ALL Sound Bridgers

What is The Hollow Bone of Healing?

It is being an open conduit through which infinite Divine Love flows, serves, and creates evidence of Its healing Presence in our lives.

When we allow ourselves to be open receptive vessels, we are always in awe of what life provides. Your spontaneous acts of kindness exemplify being the Hollow Bone of Healing.

Healing always begins by accessing higher realms of consciousness from the foundation of Love. To ensure both I and my clients are informed by the Sound & Light of Divine Love (known as ‘music of the spheres,’ and the ‘audible light stream’ of creation) the Harmonic Sound Bridging sessions always begin by entering a sacred relationship with our divine origins and with spiritual helpers* who are honorable co-workers with this pure flow.

*We are all supported by ascended masters, archangels, native elders, and divine beings in animal, plant and mineral forms. These Beings come only by invitation. Always aligned with spiritual laws, they guide, protect, offer healing support, educate us with universal wisdom, and emanate Love to assist with our consciousness upgrades.

I am fortunate to work with Phoenix Rising Star, founder of Healing Angel Protocol, and to be a practitioner of her approach. Phoenix is adept at being the Hollow Bone of Healing through which Love can restore myriad aspects of health, well-being, and our inherent flow of expressive ease.

If you are interested in learning more about this effective healing practice through which angels and guides help us serve for the best and highest good, I recommend the following resources:

Book: The Hollow Bone of Healing