Donna’s client JP loves his Sound Bridging practices. A favorite is singing HU to fine tune awareness & center himself in expressive ease qualities. These support JP’s communication with family, friends, and colleagues.
Meet Donna
Donna’s genuine warm-hearted nature infuses love, humor, spiritual principles, curiosity, respectful depth, Soul recognition, and celebration of others into every session.
In 1984, determined to free her body & mind from intense anxiety outbursts, she entered the worlds of vibrational healing, spiritual practices, and recovery from hypoglycemia. Donna’s 40 years of Self-Aware Care and professional training awakened her deep respect for the brain, the profound energetic impact of memories, and ways our ‘body of consciousness’ composes itself in relation to our experiences. Donna knows and honors the complexities of healing our spirit, mind, emotions and body. And she loves witnessing the evidence of amazing grace that Life provides so we can thrive!
Continuously devoted to “changing her tune” Donna supports others in doing the same. To her, we are musicians creating new relationships with our instruments and with the ‘music that we play’ ~ thoughts, words, actions, and feelings these convey.
Donna aspires to inspire an attitude of gratitude while healing from facets of our journey. When self-aware care is approached from the Light-filled unified intelligence of Soul, Mind and Body, the presence of Divine Love’s support is undeniable.
Donna is an Energy Resonance Practitioner with professional certifications in Sound Healing, Biofield Tuning, the Hollow Bone Journey, Gift of the Body, Access Bars, Holy Fire Reiki Mastery & Etheric Field Harmonization.
Together we fine-tune your feeling of inner resonance with active qualities of Love, Peace, and Harmony.
What happens in a session?
Energy resonance with your context of Divine Love is attended to while you rest quietly on the tuning table or in a chair. Crystal bowls, tuning forks, chimes, and Soul Songs allow us to hear, see, and feel old energy blockages transform when met with the harmonizing vibrations of your essence in expression.
When tuning is complete, you may have a renewed relationship with your self as Soul, loving respect for your body, and appreciation of the Amazing Human Being YOU ARE. You are also likely to have more peaceful compassion for others with whom you have shared conflicts.
In daily life you may experience your spiritual telepathy tuning in to visual, auditory & kinesthetic answers that Love provides for problem solving. You are free to practice being centered in presence from which expressive ease arises. Engaging action is easier.
Harmonic Sound Bridging can support stress reduction and health & wellness progress you are making with licensed health care providers.
It is not a substitute for medical treatments or psychological therapy.
You Bring to Sessions
A desire to nurture peace in your nervous system
Awareness of physical, emotional, and mental stress vibrations in your body
Willingness to explore a new relationship with ways body, mind & spirit support & guide you
Curiosity about bridging the gaps from stress to serenity in your daily activities
You Leave Sessions With
An experience of embodied presence
A new partnership with perception that can support stress reduction
Energy exercises that calm your nervous system so you can resonate with and be guided by peaceful presence
Resources for daily self-aware care you can use at home to enhance brain & nervous system function
Even one session can ground you in a neutral place where you can let go of fear, anger or distrust while addressing issues.
Compose Your Self-Aware Care with Creative Curiosity
Self-aware care is your ability to extend our work into your daily life.
As you recognize ways your body gives voice to the harmony and discord you feel in response to every experience, you can "change your tune” moment by moment.
The music we play is “singing us awake” to the next choice we make.
You are a song. All your atoms are notes, orchestrated in a special way according to your “inner” composition. Living musically ~ aware of your lyrics & melodic emotions ~ you have the freedom to choose the music that you play and the rhythms that serve your dance through life.
With Harmonic Sound Bridging there is nothing to “fix”. As the sound current flows into many aspects of consciousness, you perceive opportunities to harmonize expression of your body, mind & soul with the qualities of vitality you choose.
You can walk through life aware that the Sound & Light of Love in Action sings through in all you think, feel, say and do.
Your thoughts & words are Spheres of Influence Singing You Awake
“The true shape of sound emanating from your mouth is actually spherical! Expanding like balloons, sounds also diffract backwards and become centered in our heads!
Our thoughts give rise to electromagnetic signals in our brain and become hugely amplified and transcribed into sound every time we speak, sing or tone. In this way, our thoughts can be shared with the world.” — John Stuart Reid, Sound Made Visible
This science is important as we consider how deeply thoughts and words influence our ability to thrive!
Please visit John’s beautiful websites. Inspired, you can order an art-print of your unique DNA Voice Signature. It reveals the great beauty of your truly love-filled voice ~ your essence in expression.
For more fascinating information, visit Cymascope
Sound Science & Biofield Tuning
Our bodies and aura store myriad memories that shape facets of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual expression. It is commonly believed that “we have to live with” the effects of vibrational tensions forever. However, the science of sound healing is ‘changing our tune’ about this!
During Biofield Tuning, emotional hot spots are identified in the body’s cellular memory. The majority of this dissonance is ancestral accumulation and current life traumas. Activated tuning forks are used to release the trapped tension of personal and collective wounds and trauma. Uplifting images expand perspectives. And the Light of our essence returns to circulate freely in our bodies.
By nature of it’s organizing intelligence, the body is able to create an internal vibrational match with the coherent harmonizing sound frequencies it receives from tuning forks, from vocalizations attuned to our intentions ~ sounding, speaking, singing ~ and from our refreshed mind’s eye.
The benefits of combining Biofield Tuning with Donna’s Sound Bridging methods can be far reaching when we choose to explore living the heart-felt visions we have been voicing.
Images © Biofield Tuning